
اجمل بطاقة تهنئة لليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

بطاقة تهنئة لليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

يبحث الكثير من داخل المملكة العربية السعودية عن بطاقة تهنئة لليوم الوطني بالانجليزي حتي يتم تبادل المحبة بين الاهالي والدول بعضها البعض ، ومدي قوة الدولة بشعبها وجيشها وازدهارها المستمر.

وفي هذا المقال نقدم لكم اجمل بطاقات التهنئة لليوم الوطني السعودي التي يمكنك استخدامها ، وهي عبارات سهلة ، وتستشعر منها مدي حبك للوطن.


بطاقة تهنئة لليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي

  • My homeland is a paradise, and all nations are like gardens.
  • A person does not know the value of his homeland unless he stays away from it.
  • Home is a spirit that runs inside us so that we can live.
  • My homeland is a refuge for strangers and a safe home for me.
  • Your love, my homeland, was not made because it is implanted in the arteries of the heart.


.The National Day is a perfume that will remain in memory to be celebrated by all generations


عبارات تهنئة لليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي


Every year, my country, and you are our home
Every year, my country, we build you and protect you
Every year and you, my homeland Amer
You made me proud, my country
As long as you, my country, are full of your people
.Every year and you, my country, are prosperous on the occasion of your national day
Every year and you are the most precious homeland
Every Eid, my country, and you are proud
Every year, we sacrifice our blood for you, my country
Every year, my country, we sacrifice our lives for you
Every year and my country is firmly established forever
Every holiday, my country, and your love is renewed and grows in my conscience
Every year, our missions are raised with pride
Every year we are the protectors of the homeland and we are its soldiers
Every year, our country is proud and proud
Every year, our youth is promising and our determination is rising
Every year, we raise our determination to glory and supremacy
Every year, our country is our home
Every year and you, my homeland, the home and the homeland
Every year, our homeland, and you are the cradle of glories


كلمات تهنئة لليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

5.1 The National Day of Saudi Arabia is the day of renewal of belonging to this dear country. It is a day of renewal of love and affection that I and every Saudi citizen bring to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, may God bless it. us on this good earth.
Today this day has become an illustration Today has become an illustration, solemn, and cleaner.
All of us in this country will love the National Day, old and young. On the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always been a country that embraces and protects all Saudis and non-Saudis and preserves its dignity.
National Day 91 is a day, a day of pride and dignity, a day of joy and pleasure from founding, birth and creation, a day of joy and happiness for all dear ones.
The founding King Abdulaziz bin Faisal Al Saud sacrificed his life to build this great country, and it is our duty towards him and our kings, on this day that marks the anniversary of the founding. Construction.
We ask God, Lord of the Worlds, to make this safe and secure on Saudi National Day and all days of the year.


بطاقة تهنئة لليوم الوطني السعودي من الامارات


We congratulate all the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and may the greatness of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continue.
This day is one of the greatest days of the year, may God protect the kingdom from all evil and evil as long as this country is full of love and authenticity.
On this day the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established, and on this day this great country was established, so may our Lord protect it and make it a homeland full of your name and grace, O Karim.
With love, pride and pride, we congratulate the Saudi people for creating the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on this day, and this great country exists.
With pride and belonging to this great nation, we Saudis are proud every year of our belonging to this land, and the Saudis receive a thousand blessings from God, Lord of the Worlds.
Happy new year to our dear people, may God grant us success, the founding King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, all the best.


اقرأ أيضا : حكم الاحتفال باليوم الوطني

تعرف علي حكم الاحتفال باليوم الوطني بالادلة
تعرف علي افكار إبداعية لليوم الوطني 92 – افكار رهيبة وسهلة

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